So, the guys want to get together and get wild? Is there a better place on Earth than Las Vegas? There are so many things to do in Las Vegas, that no matter what your vice of choice is, or isn’t, there is something for everyone.
Let’s start with the obvious – gambling. When is the last time you and your buddies could huddle up on a blackjack or craps table, make some bets, and have some lovely ladies come by every so often and serve you drinks? Sure, there are many places in the USA and abroad that offer casino gambling, but nothing like Las Vegas. If you play enough, you can even earn comps towards your bill or hotel rooms!
Getting filthier, Las Vegas is one of the best strip club towns on planet Earth. Starting with Sapphires, Spearmint Rhino, and Crazy Horse 3, and down to all of the smaller, lesser known ones like the Cheetah, Chicas Bonitas, and Little Darlings, there are more women here to entertain you than you will know what to do with!
If you come during the Summer months, you’ll have all the luxuries of the wonderful pool scenes Las Vegas offers. There are many pools that allow you to relax, throw back some drinks, and take in the scenery, in addition to some other pools, like Encore Beach Club, that allow you to turn up the volume as loud as you want and spend money like it’s not a thing. No matter which category you fall into, you’ll see scantily clad women looking for some action while on vacation. This is where being single is a man’s dream. The pool season is officially from late March to late October, but you’ll also see outliers enjoying the pools in other months.
A great place to meet women in Las Vegas is any lobby bar of a hotel. These areas serve as meet-up areas for groups of people who have their own rooms and need to meet up before heading out for the night. You’ll always find sexy women hanging around these lounges on evenings as they prepare for dinner, shows, and the club scene.
A little known fact about Las Vegas is that many of the cocktail waitresses will party with you after their shifts if you play your cards right. There are many of them that just want to let loose with guests for some no strings attached fun. Normally they can’t be on the property they work at within a certain number of hours from the last or next time they work, but with so many places to hang out in Vegas, you can easily find somewhere to get a drink and let loose.

Downtown Las Vegas, known as Fremont Street, is also a great place for single men to visit and party. You’ll find no shortage of street performers, entertainers, and drinking. It’s almost like a mardi gras – only every day.
If you ever had apprehension about doing a “guys trip” to Las Vegas, hopefully this article clarified just what you’ve been missing out on. There are very few places like it.