Driving Under the Influence, or DUI, as it is most commonly known in South Carolina, is a convictable offense in a court of law. A DUI is not only limited to alcohol consumption but drug or intoxicants too. Many people are pulled over and convicted for DUIs annually knowing that they should not have operated a vehicle but did anyway.
At times, you may think you are under the limit, but the problem is there is no hard and fast rule to what is over the limit in terms of units of alcohol consumed. The volume of alcohol it takes to exceed the blood alcohol content limit of .08% depends on various factors such as gender, weight and the type of alcohol consumed. This is where many drivers mess up and think that a light beer after a meal is acceptable when it may not be. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being pulled over for a DUI, attempt to remember the information below to help you in this stressful situation.
Know Your Rights
It will help to remain calm and obey what the police officers ask of you, within reason, when you are pulled over. It is important to know that you have civil rights in such situations. If you are arrested for a DUI, cooperate with the authorities, but try not incriminating yourself by providing statements which can be used against you in a court of law.
You cannot argue or negotiate yourself out of an arrest, so it is important to cooperate calmly and to ask for a lawyer once you get to the police station. Try to take note of what happens in what order and what is said, as this may help you later with your court case.
You have the right to be told why you are being arrested and you have Miranda Rights. The Miranda Rights only have to be read to you before questioning, and not upon arrest. If at no point you are read any rights, your case may be dismissed in a court of law.
Find a Lawyer
You are allowed to call a responsible person (no matter how many phone call attempts this takes) to inform them of your situation and where you are. You can request that this person contacts your criminal defense attorney for you. Charleston Law are top-rated criminal defense attorneys that offer affordable payment plans for you to secure a proper criminal defense attorney if you do not have one.
You also have the right to ask for an attorney to be present at a line-up or any identification procedure that can possibly identify you by an eyewitness to a crime. You also have the right to bail or a bond to release you from jail unless you have been charged with a capital crime. Your lawyer can assist you with your bail and hearing.
Although this process can be quite traumatic, it can also be handled quickly and efficiently with the right attorney on your side. Ensure you have an attorney who acts in your best interests when defending you for a DUI. Ultimately, the best advice can be summarized as this – remain calm, cooperate with the authorities, and find a great attorney.