In today’s day and age, people may choose to own or adopt a pet dog for a variety of reasons. Some of these include stress relief, companionship, and a sense of responsibility. In 2024, nearly 65.1 million US households own at least one pet dog.
If you also own one (or more), you must be accustomed to the cacophony of barks echoing within your property. Depending on the breed, a dog may bark less or more but express they must. On average, dogs may bark between 50 and 200 times a day.
This should not be a problem because barking dogs seldom bite, right? It seems unlikely since the United States is facing an acute ‘dog attack’ crisis. In 2023, dog bite injury-related claim payouts struck a whopping $1.12 billion.
In this article, we will look closely at this problem. Let’s discuss the rise in dog bites, the reasons behind them, and important steps to take for prevention.
The Harrowing Increase in Dog Attacks
Recently, Forbes Advisor released shocking statistics for dog bites based on the breed. It was found that nearly 4.5 million Americans are attacked or bitten by a dog annually. These numbers do include minor nips, but an estimated 800,000 victims require immediate medical attention.
The most common injuries were found on the hands and arms as dogs prefer to attack these body parts. Postal workers or courier carriers and children aged one to four are especially at risk of being attacked by canines.
Furthermore, the breed that takes the trophy in terms of ruthless attacks is the Pitbull. It was closely followed by mixed breeds and German Shepherds. What’s the most gruesome of all is the 56.7% fatality rate among those 16 and under.
Possible Reasons for a Dog Bite
According to TorHoerman Law, the common injuries associated with dog bites include lacerations, torn muscles, skin infections, broken bones, and nerve damage, among others. This begs the question regarding the reasons for horrible attacks.
Why would a dog, especially a pet dog, feel the need to injure or bite someone? An attack is expected if the victim does something to trigger the canine. One example would be startling it while asleep or from behind. Another instance would be provocation via teasing to the point where the dog feels threatened.
In the case of delivery workers, the dog may simply view them as a threat and attack out of protective instincts. As for children, their smaller size and normal tendencies of squealing and running in the dog’s presence can activate the canine’s instincts to attack.
Moreover, the COVID lockdowns accompanied a drastic surge in dog ownership without at-par training. When untrained pups with little to no socialization are suddenly let loose, they may not know how to react.
The Harvard Gazette published a rather interesting study conducted by the Harvard Medical School and Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital. It showed that an extreme rise in temperature can impact a dog’s mood. Canines across eight US cities were surveyed.
The researchers found that dog bite cases increased on days with high pollution, heat, and ultraviolet radiation. As temperatures are reaching new heights every summer, our dogs are getting more agitated and easily triggered.
The Aftermath and Preventative Measures
As mentioned previously, dog attacks can have serious consequences to the point of loss of life. If the victim ends up in an emergency room, they may need months of hospitalization to recover. The treatments will naturally drain their resources.
Once recovered, the victim will have to seek compensation from the dog’s owner for their injuries. Can they sue the owner if necessary? Yes, but the extent of compensation that can be recovered depends on the state’s laws.
Let’s take the example of Chicago, a city where this problem is truly concerning. Recently, a nine-year-old girl was attacked by an unleashed dog in the city’s Horner Park. She managed to free herself from the canine but her back was covered in bite marks, whilst blood gushed out from her leg.
Officials believe that the incident was preventable and should not have taken place. Once the child recovers, her parents must fight for compensation with the help of a personal injury lawyer in Chicago, IL.
The city’s leash laws require pet parents to restrain their canines in certain places, failing which they may be fined. Plus, Illinois’ strict liability laws state that the owner cannot argue for being unaware of their dog’s aggressiveness. If the canine attacked without being provoked, their owner must compensate the victim.
Even if the girl’s family is compensated for the injuries, a rise in such cases, especially when avoidable, is unacceptable. Here are a few ways dog attacks can be prevented –
- Pet parents must try to keep their dog’s environment cool.
- The canine must have plenty of positive socialization opportunities.
- It’s important to ensure the dog is well-trained in commands that can stop them from getting aggressive.
- Parents must never leave their children unattended in areas where dogs may be present.
- Children must also be taught to maintain a safe distance from unknown animals.
- Pet parents must keep their dogs on a leash in public places.
Only when all parties involved play their part can dog attacks come under control. In case of a major dog bite, 911 must be notified right away. Even if the injuries are minor, it’s important to rinse the area thoroughly, apply an antibiotic ointment, wrap a bandage tightly, and see the doctor. In any case, a dog bite is not something to be taken lightly.