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Date Taken: March 3, 2012
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The Engine 1 Pizza truck parked in front of the El Cortez Hotel & Casino with its signature flames spouting out the top during Vegas Streats 1 year anniversary.
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Date Taken: March 10, 2012
On March 1st-5th, scooters invaded Las Vegas in an event called the “High Rollers Weekend”. This Vegas scooter rally started as a lark in 1999 with only a handful of people test piloting the concept. But the following year High Rollers Weekend was officially born. Quickly it grew and gained national recognition having UK’s Scootering Magazine attending and writing up the 2001 rally. In 2003 it became the biggest rally in the USA with 350+ British flying over and 500+ Americans in attendance. Each year it has moved and morphed much like the city itself.
Vegas Streats event photos on March 10, 2012