On this Date: October 27, 1993 Treasure Island Hotel Opened on the Las Vegas Strip

October 27, 2019
Treasure Island Hotel and Casino

Treasure Island Hotel and Casino now called “TI”

Treasure Island was opened by Mirage Resorts on October 27, 1993 under the direction of Steve Wynn at a cost of $450 million. The resort was originally going to be a tower expansion for the Mirage, but become its own resort. The property sits at the corner of Las Vegas Blvd (the Strip) and Spring Mountain Road. Its current neighbors consists of the Mirage, Venetian, Fashion Show Mall, the Palazzo and the Wynn Resort.

The resort is home to Cirque du Soleil’s Mystère. When opened in 1993. Originally, Treasure Island had a free “Buccaneer Bay” show in a large man-made lake fronting the resort. The show included 2 boats, one in dock and another,a pirate ship, which sailed into port to rain mayhem, but ultimately is sunk at the last cannon shot. In 2003, the show was replaced the Sirens’ Cove featuring the Sirens of TI which removed the sailing pirate ship to make was for new mall space and also become more adult orientated. The Sirens’ Cove was closed on October 21, 2013.

On December 15, 2008, MGM Mirage was sold for $775 million to Phil Ruffin, former owner of the New Frontier Hotel and Casino.

Photo by: Treasure Island (4068177090) by Ronnie Macdonald from Chelmsford, United Kingdom

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On This Date: October 27, 1993, The Dunes Hotel was Imploded

The Dunes Hotel and Casino

The Dunes Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip

On October 27, 1993 the Dunes Hotel and Casino on the corner of Las Vegas Blvd. and Flamingo Road was imploded to make way for the Steve Wynn’s new project, the Bellagio Resort.  The Dunes opened on May 23, 1955 and remained open until it closed on January 26, 1993.

The Dunes was demolished in a grand ceremony that involved major fireworks displays and the use of several “cannon blasts” from the English ship ‘HMS Britannia’ of Treasure Island Hotel and Casino.

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BINGO! The Bingo Rules That Every Player Should Know

October 20, 2019
BINGO! While the classic game may be a pasttime for grandma, there are essential bingo rules that every player should follow. Here's your guide.

Are you going on a gambling trip or outing soon? Trying to decide what games you should play so you can win big?

From blackjack to slots to craps, there are a lot of fun gambling games out there. But, one of the best gambling games to play is definitely bingo. 

Not only is bingo great for those who like a social environment, but it’s also incredibly easy to catch onto. 

However, there are some rules you should know before you play for money. 

Check out this guide to learn the top bingo rules that every player should know. 

How Does it Work? 

In bingo, each player has a card that is made up of a grid of 5 squares by 5 squares. Across the top of the grid are the letters “B-I-N-G-O”. Each square is also filled with a number. 

Each bingo game has a caller, who usually sits in front of the bingo hall with a microphone and basket/tumbler that randomized the numbers. 

Typically, there’s also a big board above the caller that notates the numbers that have already been called. 

How to Play  

For each turn, the caller will pull out a ball from the tumbler. Typically, there are 75 balls in each game, and every ball has both a letter (B-I-N-G-O) and a number (1-75) marked on it. 

For example, the caller will pull out a ball that says “B-3”. When this is called, you will go to the B column and then look down the row to see if there is a number 3. If the number 3 is there, you’ll mark the spot with a dauber (a fluorescent marker). 

The caller will give people a few seconds to mark their card, and then they’ll move on to the next number. 

In order to win, you’ll need to fill your card in a pattern that was designated at the beginning of the game. Typical patterns include filling in a whole row or column vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, or filling in all four corners. 

The night usually culminates with a blackout round, in which you need to fill in every square on your board. 

If you’ve managed to fill in the appropriate amount of squares to win the game, you will need to shout out “Bingo”. At this point, you will call back the numbers you have on your cards, and the caller or someone else will check your board to verify that you’ve won. 

Tips to Win Big 

While bingo is partially a game of luck, there are some tips you can employ to increase your chances of winning. 

These include:

  • Playing multiple cards (but not playing more than you can handle)
  • Choosing cards with median numbers
  • Choosing cards that don’t have a lot of numbers in common
  • Playing games with low attendance

And, before you hit the big leagues, it can be a good idea to gather some friends and play at home for fun. You can use this bingo card generator to get started. 

Bingo Rules: Are You Ready to Play Bingo 

Now that you know the bingo rules, it’s time to try your hand at playing. 

Once you’ve gotten the hang of it, be sure to check back in with our blog for more gambling tips and tricks. 

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On This Date October 18, 1968 Circus Circus Opened

October 18, 2019

Circus Circus Hotel & Casino

Circus Circus Hotel & Casino

Circus Circus opened on October 18, 1968. This circus themed Hotel & Casino has 3,773 rooms including a indoor 5 acre amusement park called the Adventuredome (formerly known as Grand Slam Canyon).

Circus Circus has the only RV park on the Strip providing additional accommodations in the 399 space park operated by Kampgrounds of America (KOA). Circus Circus Las Vegas is the largest permanent big top in the world.

Photo by: LasVegas360

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On This Date: October 17, 1956 The Hacienda Hotel Opened on the Las Vegas Strip

October 17, 2019

Hacienda Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip

Hacienda Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip

The Hacienda was a hotel/casino that operated on the Las Vegas Strip from 1956 to 1996. The Hotel was closed on December 10, 1996 and later was imploded on New Year’s Eve in 1999.

The Hacienda, while being designed, was called  the Lady Luck (not to be confused with the downtown’s Lady Luck), but before it was finished it was sold and eventually opened as the Hacienda in 1956. The Hacienda resort initially opened in 1954 without a casino. The hotel owned its own fleet of airliners for its ambitious air travel promotions, it was located directly across from McCarran Air Field.  The Hacienda was also one of the first Strip hotels to market to families and budget travelers. After the implosion, the Mandalay Bay Resort and Hotel was built on the old Hacienda site.

University of Nevada, Las Vegas University Libraries – See more at: http://digital.library.unlv.edu/objects/sky/1759#sthash.SFei5Q9I.dpuf
University of Nevada, Las Vegas University Libraries – See more at: http://digital.library.unlv.edu/objects/sky/1759#sthash.SFei5Q9I.dpuf

Hacienda Hotel neon sign

Hacienda Neon Horse from the original hotel now stands in Downtown Las Vegas (restored)

B & W Photo By: University of Nevada, Las Vegas University Libraries
Photo: Neon Horse – LasVegas360.com

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