On This Date: August 29, 1993 The Stratosphere Tower Caught Fire

August 29, 2019
Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas

Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas caught fire during construction on August 29, 1993

On August 29, 1993, the Stratosphere Tower caught fire while still under construction. No one was injured, but the fire forced repairs and rebuilding that led to numerous delays in the construction of the tower. The tower suffered no structural damage. Although a container of plastic material appeared to be at the flashpoint of the fire, the cause of the blaze remained unknown.

Photo By: Wikipedia.com

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Tips for Starting a Business in Nevada as a Non-Citizen

July 31, 2019
El Sombrero Cafe Neon Sign
El Sombrero Cafe Neon Sign On Main Street, 807 Main Street Las Vegas, NV

Whether you entered the USA on a visa or have a green card to work in this country, you have decided that you’d like to make this your permanent residence. Perhaps at some point you’d like to become a citizen, but that isn’t what matters at the moment. Maybe you want to keep your home country’s citizenship but launch a business here. For whatever reason, you are still a foreign national and are interested in starting a business in Nevada. Here is some information which might prove useful.

Ensure Your Stay Is Legal

It can’t be reiterated enough that you must first ensure that your status is legal. Whether on a visa or with permanent residency, you should contact professional immigration attorneys in Nevada since that is where you are interested in launching your business. You might want to consider specialists like the Business Immigration Law Firm, Hirson Immigration, that deal not only with immigration, but immigration as it pertains to businesses. Whether you want to maintain residency in the United States or want to reside here part of the year as your business grows, they will be best able to guide you on how to maintain legal residency status for the time you are in the U.S.

The Usual Red Tape

Most U.S. citizens understand that there is a ton of red tape involved when launching a business here. Not only do you need to register your business, but there are various kinds of companies you can start such as LLC, Corporations and so forth. It is therefore imperative that you take the time to understand what each kind of business entity represents, and which would best suit the kind and volume of business you will be running. Here, you might want to have a look at the Small Business Administration’s website where you can find links to all the different states and detailed information on what is required to register a business in America.

Don’t Forget Uncle Sam

When you live and/or do business in the United States, you become a member of one big family with over 300 million family members! Everyone has a common relative, and that would be good old Uncle Sam. That’s what Americans call the federal government, and most commonly when it comes to taxes. You will want to get a tax ID for your new business in Nevada, and this you can do online as well. This government site will have all the forms and information you need to apply for your company’s tax identification number.

Don’t forget that if you are planning to move to the United States to launch your new business, you will need a business immigration law firm. Keep it legal, or you will quickly be the recipient of attention from Uncle Sam, but not the kind of relationship you were looking forward to! Keep your status here legal and the rest of starting a business should be a bit less complicated. While foreign nationals can start a business here from most countries, in order to live here you will need to go through legal immigration channels. Get that law firm working for you and you could be running the business of your dreams in the land of your dreams. Just remember to keep it legal!

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New Jersey Challenging Nevada As US Sports Betting Capital

July 12, 2019
Caption: Atlantic City at night

New Jersey has been at the forefront of sports betting expansion since new laws came in permitting each state to legalize and regulate the industry. Recently, New Jersey passed a huge milestone in its journey. In May 2019, the state took more wagers in sports bets than Nevada.

New Jersey has been at the forefront of sports betting expansion since new laws came in permitting each state to legalize and regulate the industry. Recently, New Jersey passed a huge milestone in its journey. In May 2019, the state took more wagers in sports bets than Nevada.

New Jersey Leading Way For Nationwide Sports Betting

New Jersey has quite literally led the way when it comes to sports betting on a nationwide level. The state took their case for legalized sports betting to the Supreme Court and shockingly, won the case. The landmark victory overturned the federal prohibition, and the courts left it up to each individual state to decide whether they would legalize and regulate sports betting within their borders.

This was certainly welcome news for New Jersey, as well as a handful of other states that were quick off the mark. Racetracks and casinos in Atlantic City opened up physical betting windows within their walls within days of the law coming into effect.

There are now at least 10 sportsbooks which have taken over $3 billion in wagers, and the number is growing rapidly. The latest to open windows are the Borgata and Bally’s Casinos.

More Revenue Than Nevada In May

It’s now been over a year since the landmark case, and New Jersey is legitimately competing with Las Vegas in terms of sports betting wagers.

According to recently published figures by Nevada’s State Gaming Control Board, Nevada pulled in $317.4 million in bets in May, whereas New Jersey took $318.9 million in bets, $1.5 million more. It’s the first time ever that any state has surpassed Nevada in sports betting wagers in a single month.

In the 12 months since legalization, New Jersey has taken more than $2.9 billion in sports wagers, amounting to $200 million in revenue. The overall impact on casinos and racetracks is unclear. Individual casino revenue has fallen in the past 12 months, but this is probably due to dilution from two new major casinos opening in Atlantic City.

Sports betting reportedly attracts more visitors to New Jersey, many from neighboring states such as New York, where sports betting is not yet legal.

Mobile Sports Betting Most Popular

Despite the growth in casino and racetrack bookies, the real heart of the industry is mobile sports betting, which accounts for the vast majority of the industry wagers and revenues.

Approximately 80% of the sports wagers in New Jersey are made using mobile apps. This trend is set to continue, as more casinos and companies get on board with online and mobile betting. Coming this fall is the major app Fox Bet, a collaboration between gaming and media partners that should further popularise sports betting. Mobile sports betting is expected to account for 90% of wagers in New Jersey in the next 5 to 10 years.

Mobile betting makes it very easy for locals and tourists alike to make bets. The law states that people who are betting have to be physically within the state to place a bet. For New Yorkers, this can mean crossing the Hudson River for long enough to get mobile reception.

Future Of Nevada Sports Betting Bright

Sports betting is still on the rise in Las Vegas

Far from being bad news for Nevada, the nationwide lifting of the prohibition on sports betting is set to increase the sports betting industry as a whole, and act as a catalyst for growth. Vegas has a rich history of gaming, with the first license granted way back in 1931. In other words, it’s not going anywhere.

The new rules around sports betting simply allow casinos can expand their offering, especially when it comes to mobile sports betting apps. The legalization of sports betting should bring it out of the shadows and into the mainstream.

Actually, sports betting represents a very small piece of the Vegas gaming pie anyway, as little as 1% in the past. This figure has risen to over 2%, showing that the industry is growing here. Nevada took $5 billion in sports wagers in 2018, a record high for the state.

In reality, it will be difficult for New Jersey to maintain the lead that it enjoyed in May. At the moment, the state benefits from outside custom, but as states like Philadelphia and eventually New York begin to offer sports betting options, that custom will disperse. For now, all states with legalized sports betting are likely to enjoy a period of growth.

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Tips for Planning Your Trip to Vegas

July 5, 2019
Las Vegas Downtown

There is so much to do in Las Vegas that if you don’t plan before you go, you may find that you will miss out on some of the incredible sights it has to offer. Consider what you would like to see, as well as the other members in your party and also plan how you will move about the area, whether by bus or car rental. By doing it in advance, this will reduce the stress of trying to find the transport you need while out there.

Where to Stay

If you are going to Las Vegas to gamble, then researching the best hotels that offer this and the location of them is vital. However, if gambling isn’t your thing, then look for hotels that have good swimming pools and facilities as well as good restaurants, which can be thoroughly researched through online reviews.

Make sure the location is right for your needs because although a hotel can look like it’s very close to an attraction, in reality, it could be a 20-minute walk.

How to Move About

As Las Vegas is so big, walking everywhere isn’t an option so research in advance the best form of transportation for you. There are a few options to navigate the city, but popular ones include renting a car from one of the many car rental companies, hiring cabs or catching a bus.

The benefit of having a car rental is that you can go as far out as the Grand Canyon for a day trip. Just make sure you choose a car suitable for the dirt track roads.

Cabs are plentiful but can be expensive if you rely on them all the time, so another option is taking advantage of the many forms of public transport. Check bus timetables and prices online beforehand. This way, you can plan where you can go and how long you have at each attraction without missing your bus back.

Ease the Pain

There are so many amazing places to eat and drink in Las Vegas that most people overindulge either through food or drink, or both. But instead of heading straight to the fast food chain to eat your hangover away, consider planning ahead and making a list of what to eat when hungover so that you have some natural remedies to ease the pain.

Bananas can help with potassium levels and in turn, increase your energy and honey helps break down alcohol levels because of its antioxidant properties. All of these can be found in the supermarkets in Vegas so research the best ones to use before you go out there.

Vegas is a really fun vacation, but you need to make sure you do a lot of planning in advance to get the best of the trip. Take advantage of offers you may see online before you go for hotels, restaurants and day trips and you will find you can have the time of your life and save money.

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Ensuring Safety During A Roadtrip To Vegas

Las Vegas Strip

Known for its unrestricted access to gambling and being a glittering oasis of a party atmosphere, Las Vegas is the city for those who know how to have fun. With so many tourists traveling to enjoy a hedonistic lifestyle in the land of plenty, many worry about their safety while traveling. Undergoing a road trip to Las Vegas should ideally involve a bit of preparation to ensure that you make the most of your journey with the utmost safety measures considered.

Have a designated driver

All states within the US have set their legal alcohol limit to a BAC of 0.08. If you’re wondering how many drinks is .08 BAC, then you’re looking at approximately four to five drinks, depending on your weight – at which rate your judgment would be significantly impaired. If you have been drinking the night before, and want to double-check whether you are below the legal alcohol limit, then using a breathalyzer, for example, one by Low Cost Interlock, will help you get an accurate reading on whether you are fit to drive. Otherwise, having a designated driver for your trip to and from the city of Las Vegas will help to ensure your safety.

Use your common sense

If you’ve turned up to Las Vegas with a healthy budget, it would be wise to not constantly flash your cash. When you are in any given city, there are bound to be criminals who might aim to target tourists – regardless of whether you’re in New York, Paris or Las Vegas. Exercising a bit of common sense when you’re walking the streets at night, in particular, will help to ensure your safety while you’re enjoying a vacation in this infamous city of pleasure.

In terms of using your common-sense on the road, it’s best to get all possible distractions out of the way first. Putting in your destination details into your GPS before you set off means you won’t be constantly fiddling with your phone or arguing with other passengers about what to put in. The same applies to any music you want to play – or at the very least, give instructions to a passenger who will put on the music for you.

Pre-plan your budget

There are so many dizzying sights in Las Vegas; it can be tempting to shell-out time and time again, which could really dent your budget – particularly if you are gambling. To stay safe when it comes to your bank account, always pre-plan your gambling budget. Put time aside to figure out how much you would be willing to part with – particularly if you end on a loss. Remember, you may very well end up with a loss, the house often wins. Try to segregate your budget into daily allowances. If you come to a loss on the casino floor, be sure to go out for dinner or lunch and have a breather. If you want to spend money wisely, you can find city-passes for a fixed rate that will help you to get out and see the rest of the city.

Staying safe in Las Vegas is all about using common sense and pre-planning. Remember: if you think you’ve had too much to drink, do not get behind the wheel of a car. A quick use of a breathalyzer should confirm when it’s time to go back to bed and some time away from your vehicle.

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