Packing for a Weekend Getaway

July 5, 2019

Getting away for the weekend is one of the best ways to relax, unwind, and refresh. Whether it’s a family trip or a weekend with the girls, you want to make sure you don’t forget anything important at home. Packing for a weekend isn’t too complicated, and what you bring mostly depends on where you’re going and what activities you have planned, but it’s always handy to have a checklist just in case.

1. Your passport, wallet, and medications

These are the three most important belongings to bring on any international trip (if you aren’t flying out of the country, you don’t need your passport, in that case, leave it at home!). You might not need foreign currency if you have a credit card you can put charges on that will automatically convert the currencies for you with minimal fees, but don’t forget those credit cards. Also, bring any medications you might need while you’re away, even if you think you probably won’t use them. It’s better to have them with you and not need them than to need them and not have them. However, do be aware of specific guidelines for medications in particular countries. You don’t want to carry something over-the-counter which turns out to be illegal!

2. The right clothes

Of course, everyone knows to pack the basics: your pajamas, at least one pair of pants, a few t-shirts, one sweater, enough underwear for the entire trip (and then some!), and as many pairs of socks to match. You should also consider the weather forecast and whether you’ll be spending a lot of time outside and pack accordingly. Additionally, think about the activities you have planned. Will you need a nicer outfit for a fancy dinner, will you need track pants and sneakers for hiking, or will you need a bathing suit and beach towel?

If you forget anything, you can always find appropriate travel clothes and plus size travel clothes wherever you’re visiting. Plus then you can count them as souvenirs, and wearing them back at home will always remind you of your trip.

3. A Polaroid camera

Yes, everyone has a camera that conveniently fits right into your pocket and is also your smartphone, which you already bring with you everywhere anyway. However, for weekend trips and special getaways, having physical keepsakes is always lovely. A Polaroid camera is a great gadget to pack for a short trip, because they don’t take up much space, they’re so fun to use, and most importantly, you can take actual physical photos, which can be used to decorate the walls when you get home.

4. Skin care and makeup products

Packing light is a good tip for weekend getaways, but there’s nothing wrong with still wanting to look and feel your best. Grab your favorite skin care products and any accessories you might need (like a microfiber face cloth or exfoliator brush) and put them in a small bag for easy packing. Be realistic with how much skin care you’ll do while you’re away, so if you don’t think you’ll have time for a deep cleansing mud mask, skip it and leave it at home.

The same goes for packing makeup. Make sure to pack the essentials, including at least one brush, but be careful not to over-pack. Generally, all you need for a weekend is one makeup look that you can rock twice, if necessary, so don’t bring too much. Again, honestly consider how many times you’ll want to put makeup on, and how many of those times you will want to do a full face, especially if you’re camping or spending all your time outdoors. You might not even think bringing makeup is necessary after all.

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Detoxing After Vegas

June 18, 2019

Vegas is one of those places that’s so much fun to visit but can be truly taxing on your mind and body. You’ll likely return home wanting a complete reset so that you can function to the best of your ability in your daily life again.

There are a few ways in specific that you can detox and recover fully after traveling to Vegas that you should know about and keep in mind. The good news is that after putting these ideas into practice, you’ll feel like a whole new person. It’s in your best interest to put your health first if you want to feel better and enjoy your life.

Consider Rehab

If you’ve noticed a drastic decline in your mental or physical health, and you feel that you can’t get a grasp or take control of your substance abuse, you may want to consider seeking the help from a rehabilitation center to restore your overall health and wellbeing. There are several drug and alcohol detox centers to choose from, such as Apex Recovery, with staff that can help you regain control of your life and lead you to the path of recovery.

Take Additional Days off from Work

It’s also in your best interest to ask for a few extra days off from work after returning home from your Vegas trip. You’re probably not going to feel like coming home and heading right into work right away. More than likely, the reality is, that you’re going to want a few extra days to relax on the couch and do nothing so you can recover more quickly.

Get Sleep

Another way to detox after visiting Vegas is to catch up on your sleep and take time to rest. Curl up in your bed, turn off your phone and disconnect for a while until you have more energy. Be sure to drink a lot of water in between naps as well so you can rehydrate yourself. Keep in mind that if you plan to travel home on a Friday, then you’ll have all weekend to sleep off your hangover.

Eat Healthily

You can detox after Vegas by committing to eating healthy meals after you get home from your travels. Your body will appreciate you consuming nutritious foods after an extended period of eating poorly. For most people, when they are on a trip, they will eat out at restaurants and take in more calories than usual. Head to the grocery store and get in the habit of cooking for yourself so you can maintain a better diet going forward.

Hit the Gym                                      

A great way to detox after Vegas is to fit in some exercise and break a sweat at the gym. It’s likely you’re going to return home feeling a bit bloated and are maybe even heavier after having consumed a lot of food and alcohol while you were away. Find activities you enjoy doing such as lifting weights or taking aerobic classes so that it doesn’t feel like work and exercising becomes more enjoyable for you. It won’t be long before you’re back in a fitness routine and losing any weight that you put on from your trip to Vegas.

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Must-Visit Cities for all Travelers

June 14, 2019

Traveling the world and exploring cities opens up your eyes to see how others different from yourself live their lives, how alternative cultures are played out every day, beliefs are upheld, and daily routines undertaken. It’s insightful, educational, an unforgettable experience, and lots of fun.
Travel is the one thing you pay for that makes you richer, and seeing the world is quite simply priceless. Once the travel bug hits you, it’s very challenging to try and shake it off but, really, why would you want to? Travel serves to enrich your life, so get out there, don your backpack, pack your camera and enjoy!

Let’s now cut to the chase and explore some of the magnificent cities across the globe and why you absolutely must visit them in your lifetime.

Los Angeles
You won’t be short of activities and sights to see while in LA, however narrowing down what you have time to do can be a bewildering task. Of course, you want to explore every square inch and see all the famous landmarks that this incredible city has to offer you, but in order to get the very most out of your trip, you should prioritize.

The beaches in Santa Monica shouldn’t be abandoned from your list and neither should the ridiculously cool and edgy streets of Silver Lake. A Los Angeles travel guide is going to come in extremely handy, especially if you want the scoop on the best places to stay, things to do in LA, and where to eat the tastiest food around town.

Iceland is, quite frankly, a place like no other and it’s remarkably liberal. Timing is crucial when visiting Iceland as the summer nights are bright from morning until night. Since Iceland is situated just below the Arctic Circle, it is daylight for a continuous 24 hours from mid-May until late July.

Budapest is a staple feature of many lists featuring a spread on the best cities to visit in the world. It’s brimming with history, intrigue, and fascinating architecture to boot. It’s known for its eclectic mix of nightlife and ruin pubs. There are many scattered all over the city, and your challenge is to find the ones that most appeal to you. Be sure to find out more about each one and don’t be shy to pop your head in to have a look. The Danube River runs through the heart of Budapest, and the city has been home to civilization since The Stone Age. The waters here could tell of many stories, sadness, and mysteries.

Although Russia might not be at the top of your list of places to visit given its political stance on many debates and world issues, the architecture of the country itself really is something to behold. Moscow is home to the Kremlin, and walking within the walls of the Kremlin surely is astounding – the name itself translates as “fortress inside a city.” The Red Square is just a short walk outside of the Kremlin and features the world famous onion-domed Saint Basil’s Cathedral as well as Lenin’s Mausoleum.

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A Brief History of the Casino

June 7, 2019

Gambling has been a part of our culture for thousands of years; however, one of the most iconic and popular forms of gambling is visiting a casino. In Ancient China, the love of number games was always prevalent, but the word ‘casino’ translates to the Italian phrase ‘Little House,’ which refers to a building that has been built specifically for leisure. Centuries ago, these buildings would have been used primarily for dancing, music and drinking, with a hint of gambling on the side.

How did casinos go on to become a place that attracts the rich and famous and what lies in store for the future of casino gaming?

The birth of casino gaming

At the start of the Roman Empire, it was believed that all children were taught to gamble with the simple act of throwing a dice. One Roman emperor was even thought to have designed his carriage to allow gambling to take place while he was off duty. Although this form of gambling was just a fun past time amongst friends, there was never a designated building in which it officially took place. Gamers would meet up in secret, and the authorities did not agree to a gaming building until as late as 1638.

It was then during the 18th and 19th centuries where the term ‘casino’ was introduced. Soon after, this industry began to boom throughout the world, with casinos popping up in an array of locations such as Baden-Bade in Germany and the world-famous Monte Carlo. Casino gambling was shifted to a whole new level entirely as according to ThoughtCo, it is a game that can be learned.

The bright lights of Las Vegas

When many of us think of casinos, our minds immediately jump to Las Vegas. Where Traveler provides all the information newbies need to know about visiting the attractions and especially the iconic casinos which have become so familiarized with the resort. But how did Las Vegas find itself on the casino scene in the first place?

It all started back in 1905 when railroad workers were laying tracks to connect Vegas to the Pacific coastline. Due to the intense labor that they were faced with, their favorite past time led to gambling which caused a great deal of bad behavior. Although gambling was banned until 1931 in Nevada, people still decided to gamble in secret. The popularity of this form of gaming encouraged the very first casino to open in 1941 in El Rancho, Vegas.

What’s in store for the future of the casino?

Although choosing to gamble at the casino was first and foremost a social occasion, it seems that people in the current day and age are choosing to bet online when alone. Threatened by the shift to online gaming in the late 1990s, casino venues started to adopt a relaxed attitude on their regulations. Companies such as Unibet now provide customers with great offers such as the likes of free spins and bonuses to encourage gamblers to play throughout the day, from the comfort of their own home.

Final word

From its very humble beginnings to the bright lights of Las Vegas and beyond, it’s safe to say the casino gambling industry has truly stood the test of time. Movies such as the likes of James Bond and Ocean’s 11 have shown casino gambling as a past time of the rich and famous and has stemmed a desire in many people to try their hand at this iconic gambling game.

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World Top Casino Gamblers

May 25, 2019
Amerillo Slim
Amerillo Slim

Gambling is an industry that keeps developing from one year to another. But the trend nowadays is not limited to offline casino games. There are online gambling machines that became even more popular than those you can find in actual casinos. And the best gamblers know to grow to appreciate both types of games and make the most out of them.

If you are exiting about gambling and you aspire to become a great gambler, there are certain role models you could follow! Here are the world’s most famous casino gamblers of all times and why you should strive to be like them!

Amarillo Slim

Amarillo is one of the most envied gamblers that ever existed. He was a master of poker in Texas and became known all over the world thanks to his skills and success. Even if Amarillo was also into racehorses and the gambling aspect of this industry, he remains famous for his poker skills and intuition that was not evened out by no other player. The great gambler was born in 1928 on the 31st of December and died in 2012 on the 29th of April.

Archie Karas

Archie is another important gambler who won over Las Vegas. He got in this amazing city with only $50, and he created a fortune based on his gambling skills. He came from Greece in 1992, and his real name was Anargyros Nicholas Karabourniotis. But his true victory was to turn his $50 into a fortune of 40 million dollars. The famous gamble was both on the 1st of November in 1950 and became an icon in the casino industry.

There is no slot machine that this guy would not master and if you follow him, you have a lot of ticks to learn! If you are as brave as this Greek gambler, you could make it even further than him. So keep up the good game and play those machines!

Phil Ivey

Phil Ivey is a gambler who took poker and baccarat to the level of artistic activity. He learned to master not only the skills needed for these casino games but also what it takes to create a fortune out of them. He was born on the 1st of February 1977, and he learned to build his way up rather fast and unexpected. His fortune was created mostly in London and Atlantic City, but he reached international fame very quickly.

If you are looking for a role model that made it to the top when it comes to gambling, Phil Ivey is the type of guy you want to follow. Phil is still active in the industry, even if in a more relaxed way. He proved what he wanted to prove and all he can do now is enjoy the incredible success that made him known in all the parts of the world.


There are many successful gamblers all over the world. And while most of them became famous thanks to their fortunes, they should have been famous for their incredible talent as well. You will notice that these gamblers tried most types of gambling until they decided to specialize their activity on a certain niche.

So, if you are interested in just online slot machines, this doesn’t mean that you should ignore the best of the games. You might discover that your talent resides somewhere else, and you will get better and better at your game strategy. Keep an open mind when it comes to gambling and leans from the best to discover your true potential. But you have to start somewhere so don’t be afraid to give it a fair try or more!

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